● Wednesdays during lunch from 11:45-12:15
● Club meets once every two weeks
● Located in10C meeting room
African Student Association is an inclusive community that aims to foster cultural understanding and appreciation for the diverse and rich heritage of Africa. Our mission is to educate, engage, and empower students by promoting the different cultures, histories, and traditions that make up Africa.
We believe that it is essential to address the prevalent lack of knowledge and misconceptions about Africa. By organizing various cultural events, workshops, and educational programs, we strive to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the land, culture, and history of Africa. Through these initiatives, we hope to break down stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of Africa's contributions to the world.
Furthermore, we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those in need. Our fundraising efforts are dedicated to supporting charitable causes that directly benefit African communities. By raising funds and awareness, we aim to contribute to the development and well-being of individuals and communities across the continent.
In addition, we celebrate the culinary diversity of Africa by bringing together members to share and enjoy delicious African dishes. These shared meals not only provide an opportunity to savor the flavors of Africa but also serve as a platform for cultural exchange and connection.
We founded this club with the belief that knowledge, appreciation, and respect for Africa's rich heritage can bridge gaps and foster a more inclusive and interconnected world. Together, we can challenge misconceptions, embrace diversity, and build a stronger global community."
Article I: Name and Purpose
1. The name of this club shall be African Student Association.
2. The purpose of this club is to promote appreciation and understanding of the diverse cultures and traditions of Africa, as well as to foster awareness and support for African communities.
Article II: Membership
1. Membership is open to all students interested in learning about and celebrating African culture.
2. No student shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
Article III: Leadership
1. The club shall be led by a board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian.
2. Board members shall be elected annually by the club members.
Article IV: Meetings
1. Regular club meetings shall be held to plan and organize events and activities.
2. Meetings shall be open to all members, and active participation shall be encouraged.
Article V: Activities
1. The club shall organize educational workshops, and promote charity donations to support charitable causes related to Africa.
2. Participation in community events and collaborations with other student clubs and organizations shall be encouraged.
Article VI: Finances
1. The club President shall be responsible for managing and maintaining accurate financial records.
2. Funds raised shall be used to cover the donation to a charity that donates to a cause in Africa.
President: Ruth Adane
Vice President: Feben Degefa
Secretary: Yael Namer
Treasure: Amelie Alamkan
Historian: Ruth Adane s2108137@Online.Houstonisd.org