Club Objectives
We aim to provide a fun, cooperative, and interactive role-playing game experience for students.
Club Motto
Follow the "rule of cool": Respect and courtesy are not to be compromised, but the game rules should be flexible.
Who Can Join?
No previous D&D or table-top game experience is needed! All we ask is that you come willing to work on a team, learn, be respectful, and compromise with your fellow players.
What will we do?
Group members will be expected to spend time playing any iteration of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) or other table-top role-playing games with one another. Students also can use club time to write or expand on characters, or to construct stories to eventually run through with fellow members.
Meeting Time and Location:
Every other Thursday from 12:15 - 12:45 PM.
9C Lab
Naz Qadeer
Vice President:
For More Information: