Ms. Cooper, CATE, Business Education CP
Email: Rubeneisha.Cooper@houstonisd.org
Dear MCHS-Fraga Parents,
It’s that time of year again! I want to welcome you and your student(s) to the new school year! I am looking forward to having your student in my Principle of Business, Marketing & Finance course this year and want to do what I can to best support your student. If there is any information you feel that will help me get to know you and your student better. Please do not hesitate to email me at, Rubeneisha.cooper@houstonisd.org. It will help me as your student’s teacher to set goals for myself in making sure I can make this school year great, especially with all the unprecedented circumstances. I am excited to hear from you and ecstatic for this upcoming school year. Thank you for all your support.
Ms. Cooper
Syllabus_Principles of Business Marketing & Finance_2020