• Parent University provides families with an opportunity to learn additional information about district programs and initiatives. Each session date will begin with a general session, followed by two breakout session slots, during which parents are able to choose content that best meets their needs. All Parent University virtual sessions are scheduled to start at 6 p.m.

      Resources and information about community partners will be provided electronically and translation will be available. Parents can register here: bit.ly/PU091520.


      For more information, visit www.HoustonISD.org/ParentUniversity.



    • The Office of Special Populations will be presenting a Parent Lab series, with the goal to establish a system-wide approach to equip parents with knowledge, tools, and resources to foster high levels of academic engagement and success. 

      Senior Managers and Specialists will host focused individualized "Parent Labs" by disability area or special population. The 30-minute sessions will be informative and interactive; they are designed to inform and empower our families as we approach the start of school. While the sessions are designed for parents, new teachers, and other staff stakeholders are invited to join!

      For more information, visit www.houstonisd.org/specialpopulations