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Alcott Elementary School
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Anderson Elementary School
Arabic Immersion Magnet School (AIMS)
Ashford Elementary
Askew Elementary School
Atherton Elementary
Attucks Middle School
Austin High School
Baker Montessori
Barbara Bush Elementary
Barbara Jordan Career Center
Barrick (C. E.) Elementary
Bastian Elementary School
Baylor College of Medicine Academy at James D Ryan MS
Baylor College of Medicine Biotech Academy at Rusk
Kate Bell Elementary
Bellaire High School
Bellfort Early Childhood Center
Benavidez Elementary
Benbrook Elementary
Berry Elementary
Billy Reagan K8 Educational Center
Black (Frank) Middle School
Blackshear Elementary
Bonham Elementary School
Bonner Elementary
Braeburn Elementary
Briargrove Elementary School
Briarmeadow Charter
Briscoe Elementary
Brookline Elementary
Browning Elementary
Bruce Elementary
Burbank Elementary
Burbank Middle
Burrus Elementary
Cage Elementary
Career Readiness
Carnegie Vanguard High School
Carrillo Elementary
Challenge Early College High School
Clemente Martinez Elementary School
Clifton Middle School
Codwell Elementary
Community Services
Condit Elementary
Coop Elementary
Cornelius Elementary
Crespo Elementary
Crockett Elementary School
Cullen Middle School
Cunningham Elementary
César E. Chavez High School
Daily, Ray K. Elementary
David G. Burnet Elementary
Davila Elementary
De Chaumes Elementary
De Zavala Elementary
Deady Middle School
DeAnda Elementary School
Distrito Escolar Independiente de Houston
Dogan Elementary School
Durham Elementary
Durkee Elementary
East Early College High School
Eastwood Academy
Edison Middle School
Elementary DAEP
Eliot Elementary School
Elmore Elementary School
Elrod Elementary School
Emerson Elementary
Energized for Excellence
Energy Institute High School
McGowen Elementary
Farias ECC
Cook Elementary
Field Elementary School
Fleming Middle School
Foerster Elementary
Fondren Elementary
Fondren Middle School
Fonville Middle School
Fonwood Early Childhood Center
Forest Brook Middle School
Franklin Elementary
Frost Elementary
Furr High School
Gabriela Mistral CEC
Gallegos Elementary
Garcia Elementary School
Garden Oaks Montessori
Garden Villas Elementary
Golfcrest Elementary
Gregg Elementary
Gregory-Lincoln Education Center
Gross Elementary
Halpin Early Childhood Center
Hamilton Middle School
Harper DAEP High School
Harris (John R.) Elementary
Harris (Roland P.) Elementary School
Hartman Middle School
Hartsfield Elementary School
Harvard Elementary School
Health and Medical Services
Heights High School
Helms Elementary School
Herod Elementary School
Herrera Elementary School
High School Ahead Academy Middle School
High School for Law and Justice (HSLJ)
Highland Heights Elementary
Hilliard Elementary School
Hines Caldwell Elementary School
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Hobby Elementary School
Hogg Middle School
Holland Middle School
Horn Elementary
Houston Academy for International Studies
Isaacs Elementary
J.P. Henderson Elementary
Long Academy
Janowski Elementary
Jefferson Elementary School
John G. Osborne Elementary
Jones Futures Academy
Kashmere Gardens Elementary Fine Arts Magnet
Kashmere High School
Smith, K. Elementary
Kelso Elementary
Kennedy (John F.) Elementary
Ketelsen Elementary
Key Middle School
Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
Kolter Elementary
Lamar High School
Lanier Middle School
Lantrip Elementary
Las Americas
Laurenzo Early Childhood Education Center
James H. Law Elementary
Lawson Middle School
Lewis Elementary
Liberty High School Homepage
Lockhart Elementary School
Longfellow Elementary School
Looscan Elementary
Love Elementary School
Lovett Elementary School Fine Arts Magnet
Lyons Elementary School
Mabel B. Wesley Elementary School
MacGregor Elementary School
Mading Elementary STEM Academy
Madison (James) High School
Mandarin Immersion
Marcellus Elliot Foster Elementary
Twain (Mark) Elementary
Mark White Elementary School
Marshall Middle Academy of Fine Arts
Martin Luther King, Jr. Early Childhood Center
McNamara Elementary
McReynolds Middle School
Medicaid Finance & Consulting Services
Memorial Elementary
Meyerland Performing and Visual Arts Middle School
DeBakey High School for Health Professions
Mickey Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men
Middle College at Felix Fraga
Milby High School
Milne Elementary School
Mitchell Elementary School
Montgomery Elementary
Moreno, Joe E. Elementary
Henderson Elementary School
Neff Early Learning Center
Neff Elementary School
Texas Education
North Forest High School
North Houston Early College HS
Northline Elementary
Northside High School
Oak Forest Elementary School
Oates Elementary
The Allertneuq
Ortiz Middle School
Paige Elementary
Park Place Elementary School
Parker Elementary
Henry Middle School
Patterson Elementary
Paul Revere Middle School
Peck Elementary
Pershing Middle School
Petersen Elementary
Pilgrim Academy
Pin Oak Middle School
Piney Point Elementary School
Pleasantville Elementary School
Poe Elementary
Port Houston Elementary School
Project Chrysalis Middle School
Pugh Elementary
Raul Martinez Elementary
Red Elementary
Reynolds Elementary
River Oaks Elementary IB World School
Roberts Elementary
Robinson Elementary
Rodriguez, Sylvan Elementary
Roosevelt Elementary
Ross (Betsy) Elementary School
Rucker Elementary
Sam Houston Math, Science and Technology Center
Sanchez Elementary
Scarborough Elementary
Scarborough High School
Scroggins Elementary School
Secondary DAEP
Seguin Elementary
Shadowbriar Elementary
Shadydale Elementary School
Sharpstown High School
Sharpstown International School
Shearn Elementary School
Sherman Elementary School
Sinclair Elementary School
South Early College High School
Southmayd Elementary School
Sterling Aviation High School
Stevens Elementary
Stevenson Middle School
Student Supports
Sugar Grove Academy Middle School
Sutton Elementary
T.H. Rogers School
Tanglewood Middle School
Texas Connections Academy at Houston
The Rice School La Escuela Rice
The School at St George Place
Thomas Middle School
Thompson Elementary
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School
Tijerina Elementary
Tinsley Elementary
Travis Elementary School
Valley West Elementary
Virgil I. Grissom Elementary School
Wainwright Elementary
Walnut Bend Elementary
Waltrip High School
Washington High School
Welch Middle School
West Briar Middle School
West University Elementary School
Westbury High School
Westside High School
Wharton Dual Language Academy
Wheatley High School
Whidby Elementary
White (Ed) Elementary
Whittier Elementary School
Williams Middle School
Windsor Village Vanguard Magnet Elementary
Wisdom High School
Woodson PK-5 Leadership Academy
Worthing Early College High School
Yates High School
Navarro Middle School
Young Elementary
Young Scholars Academy for Excellence
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Taller del presupuesto #7: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
2019-2020 Budget Workshop 7.pdf
1.56 MB
(Last Modified on June 27, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #6: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
Jun 4 Budget Workshop Presentation rvsn3 060419.pdf
904.03 KB
(Last Modified on June 5, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #5: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
Budget Workshop 2019-05-23.pdf
1.48 MB
(Last Modified on May 24, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #4: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
Budget-Workshop-4 May-2-19.pdf
2.86 MB
(Last Modified on May 24, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #3: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
2.1 MB
(Last Modified on May 24, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #2: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
348.02 KB
(Last Modified on February 25, 2019)
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Taller del presupuesto #1: Presentación del presupuesto 2019-2020
120318_Budget Workshop.pdf
3.01 MB
(Last Modified on December 6, 2018)
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