AIMS Parent Notification TEA Report Card 2021-2022
AIMSTEAreportcardParent-Notification-2021-2022-ENGLISH.pdf 219.47 KB (Last Modified on February 14, 2023) -
AIMS Family Engagement Policy 2022- 2023
Arabic_Immersion_Magnet_Family_Engagement_Policy.pdf 152.75 KB (Last Modified on September 30, 2022) -
AIMS Teacher and Paraprofessionals Qualifications 2022 - 2023
AIMSTitle I Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - English.pdf 268.13 KB (Last Modified on September 30, 2022) -
Title 1 Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - Spanish
21-22 Title I Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - Spanish.pdf 191.1 KB (Last Modified on September 24, 2021) -
Title 1 Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - English
21-22 Title I Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - English.pdf 256.49 KB (Last Modified on September 24, 2021) -
Parental Involvement Policy
2016-2017 District Parental Involvement Policy - English.pdf 45.57 KB (Last Modified on January 5, 2021)