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Parking and Traffic

Traffic and Parking

Working Together for Our School Community
Thursday, July 19, 2017
Traffic Map  
Our new building has brought many opportunities. We are now situated in the heart of the Texas Medical Center (TMC), within walking distance of well-known research facilities and medical institutions. Our new location is convenient for many DeBakey HSHP families. The facility is beautiful.

Still, there are two very important challenges that, if we work together, we will overcome. Those challenges are traffic and parking. With your help, student arrivals and departures will be safe and orderly. We will maintain traffic flow that will allow drivers to get where they need to go in good time, and we will limit traffic back-ups.

Arrivals and Departures

Our new parking lot has one driveway that is used for entrances and exits. Drivers will enter the parking lot from Pressler Street, and exit the lot via Montclair. Inside the lot, there are numbered parking spaces as well as Drop-off and Pick-up, Handicapped, and Reserved spaces. Although numbered parking spaces will be assigned to students, we expect to have spaces available so that parents will be able to park and attend to school related business or wait for a student.  If all numbered spaces are full, or to drop-off or pick-up a student, or to allow a child time to get items out of the vehicle, drivers should use the Drop-off and Pick-up spaces. Using these spaces will free up the drive lane for moving vehicles.

Traffic Flow Inside the Parking Lot

Directional arrows and cones indicate the traffic path. When cars move against the designated route, they cause traffic to stall. Stalled traffic inside the lot leads to congestion at the driveway and into the street, making the experience of entering and leaving the parking lot very unpleasant. Please follow the indicated path.

When driving through the parking lot, please maintain low speed. Students will be walking among the cars. They may not be easy to see, or they may run out into the drive lane without warning. Low speed will guarantee time to stop and avoid an accident.

Parking Garage 8

TMC Parking Garage 8 is located at the corner of Pressler and Holcombe. Garage entry and exit drive lanes are located on Pressler, along the same path that leads to the DeBakey parking lot. TMC representatives have asked us to please be mindful of the garage and keep the entry and exit lanes open. Let’s demonstrate to the other TMC institutions that we are good neighbors. Please do not block Garage 8.

No Parking
Please be informed that cars cannot park on Montclair, Pressler, Holcombe, or Main. 


The heaviest traffic will likely occur within the first 30- to 45- minutes after dismissal. To ease some of the congestion, we have developed a staggered pick-up schedule. Delaying pick-up will allow school buses to pick up students and move out, creating space for parent drivers. Your support by way of following the schedule is appreciated.

  • 9th Grade 3:30 p.m. – 3:40 p.m.
  • 10th Grade 3:40 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
  • 11th and 12th Grades 3:50 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Patience Please 

Be aware of the other drivers, and practice a little consideration. Doing so will help preserve good traffic movement. Above all else, be patient. Remaining calm is good for you and your child. Traffic back-ups will be relieved as quickly as possible. Our capable police officers will help all drivers keep moving.

What an exciting time it is for the DeBakey High School family! We look forward to seeing you soon.