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School Links - Roadmap for College and Career Goals

Quick Start Guide for Guardians

Preliminary class ranking for rising seniors in the Class of 2024. 

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, 

Preliminary ranking is calculated for students classified in 11th at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. A student must have earned at least 18 credits to be identified as an upcoming senior for the 2023-2024 school year to be rank in the first preliminary ranking.

The purpose of preliminary rankings is the give students a chance to see their progress and to apply for early college admission. You obtain a copy of your transcript via SchooLinks on the HISD College Readiness Page or you may pick a copy of your preliminary ranking from the school between the hours of 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM. In summary, this is a preliminary ranking only, another preliminary ranking will be done in October 2023, with the final ranking occurring in February 2024. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact your grade level counselor, Ms. Johnson @ or

713-688-1361 Ext. 015125


Clasificación preliminar de clase para estudiantes de último año en ascenso en la Clase de 2024.  

Estimados estudiantes, Padre(s)/Tutor(es),  

La clasificación preliminar se calcula para los estudiantes clasificados en el puesto 11 al final del año escolar 2022-2023. Un estudiante debe haber obtenido al menos 18 créditos para ser identificado como el próximo estudiante de último año para el año escolar 2023-2024 para ser clasificado en la primera clasificación preliminar.  

El propósito de las clasificaciones preliminares es dar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de ver su progreso y solicitar la admisión temprana a la universidad. Usted obtiene una copia de su transcripción a través de SchoolLinks en la Página de Preparación Universitaria de HISD o puede elegir una copia de su clasificación preliminar de la escuela entre las 10:00 a.m. y las 2:00 p.m.  

En resumen, esta es solo una clasificación preliminar, otra clasificación preliminar se realizará en octubre de 2023, y la clasificación final se realizará en febrero de 2024.  

Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, comuníquese con su consejera de nivel de grado, la Sra. Y Johnson @ or

713-688-1361 Ext. 015125 

What is SchooLinks? 

SchooLinks is a dynamic application that helps HISD students create a roadmap for future college and career goals. It’s free for life and easy to use. Students log in, take fun quizzes about their skills, interests, and goals, then see the steps necessary to achieve their college and career aspirations. Students should start their college and career planning by completing “Assessments” found on the “Activities” tab. The following assessments are a great place to start: 

  • Would You Rather: Matching careers to your favorite hobbies. 
  • Top Skills: Match careers to your skills and interests. 
  • Learning Style: Take this assessment to see how you learn best to set yourself up for future success. 
  • Student Focus: Analyze different colleges and programs you are interested in. 
  • Discover Your Campus Lifestyle: Take this assessment to determine what type of campus is best for you. 

As students search for and tag schools and careers, critical information about application and scholarship deadlines, costs, decision timelines, and documentation shows up in their account to keep them on track throughout their educational journey. SchooLinks gives parents, students, teachers, and support staff a clear view of a student’s goals and their progress toward meeting those goals.   

Student Login Help - 

Students will be able to access SchooLinks on their HISD issued device or by going to

Students can “Log in with Clever” to gain access to SchooLinks. 

Non Student Login Help - 

  1. Parents will go to and select “Sign up as a Guardian” at the bottom of the screen.  
  2. Enter the unique claim code for your student(s) and create an account for yourself.  
  3. To add additional students, navigate to the “My Students” tab on your dashboard after logging in and enter your additional student(s)’ unique claim code. 
  4. Once you have created your account, you can login to SchooLinks at any time by going to, selecting “Guardians and Members,” and logging in with your credentials. 

What Resources does SchooLinks include? 

  • Quizzes to assess personal strengths 
  • Q&A sessions based on career interests 
  • Virtual college tours 
  • Detailed information about colleges matching student’s profile 
  • Personalized to-do lists 
  • Application information 
  • Scholarship deadlines 
  • Admission status tracker 
  • OnDemand mentorship to connect students with real world professionals  

What information can I view as a parent? 

Parents will have view-only access to their student(s)’ ‘case file‘ including their assessment results, activities they have completed and experience tracking. Parents will also be able to participate in college searches, career exploration, financial assistance resources and scholarship searches.