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HISD has adopted Naviance as an online tool college counselors and registrars will use to coordinate and communicate with students about transcript requests, scholarship research, school selections, and eligibility. More information can be found at Lee College Center, located in the library.
Family Connection
Through self discovery and collaboration with parents, teachers and school counselors, Naviance helps students be better prepared for attending college and/or joining the workforce. The Naviance Family Connection portal provides students and families with a variety of tools designed to connect learning to life™. 
Career & Course Planning
Once students have an understanding of who they are, Naviance empowers them to learn about what they want to be and how to get there. Naviance offers a series of career assessments that help students discover multiple career options, and plan their career paths based on general areas of interest, and the level of education and training required to achieve their individual goals and objectives.
College Search & Admissions
Naviance makes college research easy. Whether it's matching colleges to a student's career interests, or comparing admissions rates at a student's top college choices, our college planning tools allow students and families to make informed decisions about their options by comparing colleges and universities, exploring scholarship opportunities, tracking college applications, and accessing a variety of other college research materials.