- HISD Human Resources
- Information for Current & Former Employees
Update Personal Information
How do I change my name?
You will need:
- Your Social Security Card with your new name displayed. You must bring the actual Social Security Card, and not a receipt.
- Your state- or government-issued photo identification
- Documents prompting your name change (i.e., marriage license, court order, etc.)
Please note: the Social Security Card and photo identification must display your new name. All documents must be originals or certified copies and must display the same name.
You must change your name in person:
Human Resources - Employee Services Department
4400 W. 18th St., Level 1 SW
Houston, TX 77092
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
How do I change my telephone number or address?
There are a number of methods that you may use to update your address and telephone number:
- Log on to the HISD Portal at www.houstonisd.org under Employee Services and select Change Personal Information**
- Complete an address update form available in the HR lobby
- E-mail the request to the HR Answer Line at hranswerline@houstonisd.org
- Fax the request to Employee Services at 713-556-7384. Please include your name, employee ID number, address, and/or phone number.
*Changes will not be reflected online until the Monday after you receive your confirmation e-mail. If you need assistance, please contact the Help Desk (713)-892-SERV (7378); e-mail: helpdesk@houstonisd.org.
How do I change my direct deposit or tax information?
To change your direct deposit or tax information, you must complete a new direct deposit request form. You may submit a new direct deposit or W-4 form via mail, interoffice mail (Route 10), or in person to:
Employee Services,
4400 W. 18th St., Level 1 SW,
Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
*All forms submitted must be originals.