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HCC Information, Files and Links

  1. HCC Student Instructional Resources (Canvas, Library, Software):


  1. HCC Canvas Training (Introduction & Guides) :

Part One of the Canvas Training for Students follows the online training version found in Canvas. Topics covered include overview, settings, announcements, and notifications. 

Part Two of the Canvas Training for Students follows the online training version found in Canvas. Topics covered include modules, discussions, assignments, and grades. 


  1. Student MyEagle:


  1. Current Students Resource page:


  1. Eagle Online (HCC Canvas) Student Guide:For information about navigating your online course and using Canvas’ tools, see the Canvas Student Guide


  1. HCC Email (PDF file available)

Make sure to check your HCC email on a regular basis. There is an attachment that gives you the steps on how to do this.


  1. HCC Respondus (PDF file available)

You will need to download HCC’s Respondus to your computer in order to take exams. Please see the attachment on how to do this.


  1. HCC Online Textbook access (PDF file available)


Watch this video to access your online textbooks:


This video has been organized in the following manner so students can skip to the section associated with their particular book(s)/platform.

  1. Overview of Textbook Distribution
  2. Using the Bridge platform (2:00 mark)
  3. Accessing the Norton platform (14:44 mark)
  4. Accessing Macmillan/LaunchPad (17:50 mark)
  5. Accessing other platforms (20:04 mark)
  6. Summary/Barnes & Noble (21:28 mark)



  1. Important phone numbers:

HCC Password Reset: 713-718-8800

HCC Canvas Tech Support: 713-718-5295 option 3

HISD Tech Support: 713-892-7378


If you have any questions or need support, please contact me via email at or at 512-710-9768


Take care and be safe,

Ms. Garcia

How to sign to HCC the first time

HCC Student Email Access

HISD Online Textbooks logging into the bridge

HCC Respondus Task Card Installation and Use

Student Email Access Job Aid Spanish