Planning a Successful Path
A focused and successful high school path is the road to future success in higher education, workforce training, and career.
Revised state requirements and HISD’s own rigorous standards — along with a broad choice of career pathways — help students work with parents and educators to map their coursework to align with their aptitudes and interests.
Planning a path — identifying a direction and setting goals — helps make education relevant to a student’s future.
Entering ninth-graders are now required to pass five End-of-Course (EOC) exams to graduate which are:
• Algebra
• English
• English II
• Biology
• U.S. History
The English I and II exams combine reading and writing into one five-hour test.
Ninth-grade Students will enter under the new 26-credit Foundation High School Program with an endorsement – and take Algebra II at the appropriate time – which will allow them to earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement and become eligible for automatic admission into state universities if they graduate in the top 10% of their class.