Work Orders Process

Important Notice:  Building Modifications Requests received after May 12, 2023, may not be processed before the end of this fiscal year.

Work Order Process:

Contact Customer Care (713-556-9400 x1) to place a work order.  HISD Maintenance (FMO) will contact you for a site visit to obtain the scope of work. Maintenance will also determine if it is a repair or new work.  An FMO team member will direct you to complete the Building Modification Form (BMR) if needed.


NOTE: When using an annual vendor, a BMR form is not needed. After you call Customer Care and receive a work order number, contact FMO for assistance.


FMO will provide you with the scope of work to be added to the BMR form. Please make sure you have the principal sign the form and print the names of the point of contact and the FMO team member who provided you with the scope of work.