

    Welcome to the Poe Clinic!
      Keely Lewis, RN
    Phone: 713-535-3780
     School Nurse
    What does the School Nurse do?

             I am here every day for the children at Poe Elementary School. I do many things and am here to help your children stay healthy and stay in school. Here are some of the things I do:

    • I administer medication to children, daily or as needed. I cannot give over the counter medication without a special form, signed by a parent and physician and without a label from your pharmacy on the original container. To access physician order forms click here
    • I assess children at school that may be sick. If your child has a fever do not send them to school. I send children home with a fever over 100.4. They should be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before coming back to school. You will also be called to come pick up your child during the school day for vomiting or diarrhea at school.
    • I give first aid to children and staff as needed.
    • I screen children for vision and hearing. The district requires us to screen Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th graders.
    • I teach classes to the students on hand washing, cold prevention, dental health, sun safety, and growth and development. I also educate staff on asthma, food allergies, seizure precautions, diabetes, and other common conditions that we see in our students.
    • If your child has a special condition such as asthma, food allergies, or seizures I will work with you, your physician, and the classroom teacher on an emergency plan so that we know triggers and treatments.

    Please feel free to call if you have any questions or want to meet with Nurse Lewis to discuss any special medical needs that your child may have during the school day.