Farias ECC


Frequenthly Asked Questions

  • How can I volunteer at Farias ECC? ¿Cómo puedo ser voluntario en Farias ECC?

  • Is there an after school program? ¿Hay un programa extracurricular?

  • What are the school hours? ¿Cuáles son los horarios escolares?

Welcome to Farias ECC

  • Solis

    Maria Nevarez-Solis,  Principal

    Phone: 713-691-8730
    Email: Maria.Solis2@houstonisd.org

    We are thankful that you selected Farias Early Childhood Center to build solid foundation skills for your child in Emergent Reading, Emergent Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Physical Development, Technology, and Social/Emotional awareness. Our teachers are highly trained in all content areas and are committed to providing a high-quality education for all learners in a safe and caring environment. You can read Principal Maria Nevarez-Solis' bio here.

School News

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School Mission

  • Our mission is to develop children who are caring, creative, collaborative, confident, and capable critical thinkers

Upcoming Events

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