Field Elementary

A National Blue Ribbon School

  • Field Elementary School Information


    School Hours:

    7:30am - 3:00pm

    Office School Hours:

    7:15am - 3:30pm

    Main Office:


    Registration / Enrollment:

Welcome to Field Elementary School

  • Trevor Kerr

    Trevor Karr is the principal of Field Elementary School.  Mr. Karr began his educational career at Pugh Elementary School as a special education resource teacher.  While at Pugh, he held the roles of the special education department chairperson and teacher specialist. Most recently, Mr. Karr served as assistant principal of Briargrove Elementary School.  He holds a bachelor's degree in elementary special education from Central Michigan University and a master's degree in educational leadership from the University of Texas at Tyler.

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  • Help Field teachers


    To date, DonorsChoose donors have gifted dozens of our teachers with thousands of dollars in school supplies, school furniture, technology, and so much more. If you'd like to help our teachers, please visit the PTO donors' page or click on the icon above to search for a teacher or project.

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