Melissa Jurek
Grades Taught:3rd GradeConference Periods: 9:20-10:05 M, T, ThEmail: mjurek@houstonisd.orgPhone: 281-368-2111, Please call during conference period.Welcome Daily Dragons to the 2015-2016 school year!
Melissa JurekGrades Taught:3rd Grade
Conference Periods: 9:20-10:05 M, T, Th
Email: mjurek@houstonisd.org
Phone: 281-368-2111, Please call during conference period.
Welcome Daily Dragons to the 2015-2016 school year!
12909 Briar Forest Houston, TX 77077 Phone: 281-368-2111 fax: Fax: 281-368-7463Accessibility
Daily, Ray K. Elementary
12909 Briar Forest Houston, TX 77077
Phone: 281-368-2111
fax: Fax: 281-368-7463