About Title I


    Purpose of the Title I, Part A Program:

    The purpose of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children, particularly low-achieving children in the highest-poverty schools, have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments.


     Propósito del programa Título I, Parte A: El propósito del Título I, Parte A es asegurar que todos los niños, particularmente los niños de bajo rendimiento en las escuelas con mayor pobreza, tengan una oportunidad justa, igualitaria y significativa de obtener un alto rendimiento, educación de calidad y alcanzar, como mínimo, competencia en los desafiantes estándares estatales de rendimiento académico y evaluaciones académicas estatales.



    Please find the following documents below:

    • Parents Right to Know
    • Title I Program Status
    • School-Parent Compact
    • Parent & Family Engagement Policy
    • Description & Explanation of Curriculum
    • Description & Explanation of Academic Assessments
    • Promotion Standards
    • Federal School Report Card
    • Annual Evaluation of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Program
    • School Improvement Plan, click

Title I Updates