Attendance Policy
1. Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Most subjects are taught in sequence, requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of presentation. Attendance will be taken (officially) at 9:30 a.m. Parents are encouraged to make dental/doctor appointments after 9:30 a.m.
2. Children, ages 6-18, are required to attend school by the “compulsory attendance law.” A child enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten must attend class or have an excused absence for a minimum of 85 days during each semester the child is enrolled in school.
3. Students may not be given credit for a class if he/she has more than 4 unexcused absences per semester.
4. Students with 8 or more unexcused absences in his/her present grade will be retained. The only acceptable excuses for absences or tardiness are:
Personal Illness
Sickness or Death in the family
Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
Participation in school activities with permission of the principal; or emergencies or unusual circumstances recognized by the principal or person designated.
Any absences may be investigated by the HISD attendance officer assigned to the school.
5. Reasons for an excused absence or tardy must be stated in writing and signed by the parent or legal guardian. The written excuse must be received by the school within 3 days after the absence or tardy.
6. Please assist the school in promoting good attendance by making appointments after school hours whenever possible.