Virtual Magnet Thursdays
Join us for Magnet Thursdays every Thursday at 9:00 am
September 24th-November 5th
Parents will be presented with information about our school, the various programs that are offered, our community and will be able to ask questions. To join this meeting as a guest please click on the link below.
As a fine arts magnet school, our goal is to develop creative thinkers and performers in the arts that recognize and appreciate how the arts, through time, have continued to distinguish as well as connect all cultures and societies. We seek to allow each child the opportunity to discover and develop their individual talents in the arts and to understand the relationships between academics and the arts.
Students attend enrichment classes daily, taught by specialists in the following areas:
- Visual Arts
- Dance
- Music
- Physical Education
- Theatre
Important Notice
We currently have no spaces for magnet transfers in our English instructed classes.
A few spaces are available in our Spanish bilingual classes. These classes are designed for those students who speak little or no English.
Magnet Application Phases
Phase 1 (September 19, 2020 – November 6, 2020 All qualified applicants will be either entered in a lottery or will be eligible for auditions at secondary fine arts programs.
Phase 2 (November 7, 2020 – February 26, 2021) All qualified in district will be considered on a space-available and will be placed in an offered list after phase 2 closes.
Phase 3 (February 27, 2021 – On) All qualified applicants that are currently NOT in HISD or out of district will be considered on a space-available or first come-first-served basis.
Join us every Thursday, Sept. 24-Nov. 5 at 9:00 am for a virtual tour of Poe (via Microsoft Teams). Join the Teams tour
School Choice Fairs
Via Microsoft Teams
September 19
October 3, 17, 31
February 13
Apply online at: