
    International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP)
    Edgar Allan Poe Elementary is an authorized IB world school. We offer the PYP to all of our elementary students. The school is committed to developing the whole child through challenging inquiry, concept based instruction, international-mindedness, an appreciation of  the arts and respect for self and others. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit:
    Our teachers and staff have developed a Programme of Inquiry (POI) and planners for the units of inquiry that reflect the standards and philosophy of IB. This involves collaborative efforts of teachers, staff, students, parents and the community. 



    IB Mission Statement
    The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
    To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
    These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
    Developing the Whole Child
    The IB believes that education is the development of the whole child. In addition to the academics of language arts, math, science and social studies, education in the arts and personal, social and physical education are of equal importance. Students should understand the skills, applications and uniqueness of each discipline, as well as the relationships between them.
    IB Learner Profile

     ·         Inquirers

     ·         Knowledgeable

     ·         Thinkers

     ·         Communicators

     ·         Principled

     ·         Open-minded

     ·         Caring

     ·         Risk-takers

     ·         Balanced

     ·         Reflective



     ·         Central to the mission of PYP schools

     ·         Establishes a set of values reflective of the Learner Profile

     ·         Demonstrates the attributes of the Learner Profile

     ·         Thinking and acting globally to create a better world.


     Essential Elements of the Written Curriculum

     ·         Knowledge

     ·         Concepts

     ·        Approaches to Learning (Transdisciplinary  Skills)

     ·         Attitudes

     ·         Action


     PYP Transdisciplinary Themes

     Each unit of inquiry is developed around a central idea that is both timeless, enduring and globally significant. The central idea is relevant to one of the six transdisciplinary themes:

     ·         Who we are

     ·         Where we are in place and time

     ·         How we express ourselves

     ·         How the world works

     ·         How we organize ourselves

     ·         Sharing the planet


     Lines of Inquiry support the central idea, determine the scope of the unit and allow students to gather information that relates to specific concepts.


    Key Concepts

     ·         Form – What is it like?

     ·         Function – How does it work?

     ·         Causation – Why is it like it is?

     ·         Change – How is it changing?

     ·         Connection – How is it connected to other things?

     ·         Perspective – What are the points of view?

     ·         Responsibility – What is our responsibility?

     ·         Reflection  - How do we know?



     The PYP attitudes are embedded in the curriculum. The units of inquiry should be developed in such a way that allows opportunities for students to demonstrate these attitudes:

     ·         Appreciation

     ·         Commitment

     ·         Confidence

     ·         Cooperation

     ·         Creativity

     ·         Curiosity

     ·         Empathy

     ·         Enthusiasm

     ·         Independence

     ·         Integrity

     ·         Respect

     ·         Tolerance


     PYP  Approaches to Learning (Transdisciplinary Skills)

     ·         Thinking skills

     ·         Social skills

     ·         Communication skills

     ·         Self-management skills

     ·         Research skills

