    Cheer Sponsor - Ms. Jones

    Cheer Contract

    Cheerleader Rules and Regulations:

    1.                   All cheerleaders must maintain a passing grade of 70 or above in all subjects.

    2.                Cheerleaders must maintain and E or S in conduct at all times.

    3.                  All cheerleaders must attend all practices.  If someone cannot attend practice they must notify Ms. Jackson in advance.

    4.                 Cheerleaders must participate in all events on and off campus.

    5.                   Keep cheerleader uniforms, bags and warm-ups clean and in good condition.

    6.                  All cheerleaders must be picked up from practice ON TIME!!!


    Cheerleaders can be removed and/or asked not to practice or participate for the following reasons:

    1.  They are not maintaining passing grades and/or an E or S in conduct.
    2. Two or more times being picked up late from practice.
    3. Non participation in events on and off campus.
    4. Non participation in weekly practices.


    Student Signature ____________________________________________


    Parent Signature _____________________________________________