Absences Guidelines
Student Attendance
When a newly enrolled child enters your classroom, obtain his/her admission slip or schedule and file it in the child’s folder. If you have reason to believe the child should not be in your class, please check with the registrar.
(a) Attendance will be taken at 10:00 a.m.
It is highly important that this responsibility is carried out efficiently since attendance records serve as the basis for computing average daily attendance (ADA) figures on which state funds are distributed. Students with medical appointments who are out of class at the time attendance is taken maybe counted present, provided they are in attendance at some time during the school day.
(b) Accept in your classroom only those students who are on your class list and those for whom you have an admission slip or schedule.
(c) A count of all absences (excused and unexcused), days present, and tardies should be kept by the classroom teacher.
(d) Excuses for absences and tardies are: personal illness, sickness or death in the family, quarantine, weather or road conditions making travel dangerous, participation in school activities with permission of the principal, and emergencies or any other cause acceptable to teacher, principal, or superintendent.
Consistent attendance in school is essential to promoting good student performance and attitude. Our goal is 97% attendance.
Students who have been absent or tardyMUSTpresent the teacher with a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian within 3 days of the absence or tardy. All students will be given the opportunity to make up work when absent. Students will be excused from attending school for the purpose of observing religious holidays when it is a belief of their faith, provided a written request is sent in advance by the parent or guardian.
Students who are tardy more than 3 times receive written notification to parents by the administration and may result in grade reduction due to missed instructional time. Students are tardy after 8:05 a.m.
The "Excessive Tardiness Policy" will be in effect for the 2013-2014 school year and will consist of the following:
(a) A student is considered tardy at 8:05 a.m. absent after 10:00 a.m.