•  Data Focused Professional Learning Community (PLC) Meetings
    A PLC is a school community committed to establishing a schoolwide culture that develops teacher leadership explicitly focused on building and sustaining school improvement efforts. Generally, PLCs are composed of teachers on each grade level, although administrators and support staff routinely participate. Through participation in PLCs, teachers enhance their leadership capacity while they work as members of ongoing, high-performing, collaborative teams that focus on improving student learning.
    Interactive Bulletin Boards 
    Teachers use bulletin boards that challenge and engage students by interacting with them as a part of the learning process. Interactive bulletin boards change according to topical lesson plans, can hold student interest, and help different kinds of learners assimilate the new material in their own way and at their own pace. Many teachers further engage students by allowing them to help create bulletin boards as well as have other students to interact with them. Students take ownership of the classroom, hallways,  and of their own learning experience. Students are challenged to be active learners and to actively seek out new information, to create new artwork, and to achieve higher grades that will be displayed on the boards.
    Math and Science Word of the Day Announcements
    Selected content specific and academic vobabulary words are announced and defined with examples daily to familiarize the school community with the words and establish a common language for concepts introduced in the classroom for the week. 
    Thinking Maps 
    Thinking Maps is a program based upon brain research and uses visual patterns to establish a language of eight fundamental thought processes. These patterns are used individually and in combination across every grade level and curriculum area as an integrated set of tools for successful life-long learning. This common visual language requires unique, professional training and resources for every individual implementing Thinking Maps throughout the learning community.
    Accelerated Teaching
    Regardless of the model, accelerated teaching and learning methodologies and strategies have been successful in the learning process for a variety of learners. Accelerated learning incorporates a holistic approach to accommodate different learning styles and needs. Accelerated teaching methods include creating a positive learning environment, using activity-based learning design and involving all the senses to aid in effective learning transfer.