September 21, 2016
- Welcome/ Purpose of Meeting
- Team Building Activity/Ms. Kelly
- Special Thanks to the SDMC and The SIP Writing Team
- SIP Review/Approval
- Voting by secret ballot (handout)
- Attendance Matters/September is Attendance Awareness Month!
- Osborne ES Attendance Committee (Handout)
- Attendance Referral Information (Handouts)
- Issues/Items for Consideration:
- TADS Updates
- Appraiser Assignments (Handout)
- All About G/T/Ms. Kelly
- Key Reminders:
- Reporting for duty as scheduled
- Teachers (PR-3)
- Staff (Professional Competency # 7)
- Sign in and out for the time you actually arrive and depart (PR-1)
- Completing documentation in a timely fashion (PR-1)
- Submit Absent From Duty Form to Ms. K. Johnson upon your return to duty (PR-1)
- Dropping off and picking up students on time from Ancillary and lunch (PR-1)
- Taking attendance @ the scheduled time 9:30 am daily (PR-1)
- Lesson Plans are due every Friday (PR-1 & PL-3) (Lesson Plan Checklist-Handout)
- Treats Colleagues with Respect throughout All Aspects of Work (PR-2)
- Dresses Professionally According to School Policy (PR-4)
- Active Participation in Professional Development (PR-9)
- Provide documentation for attendance at off-campus professional development prior to the training date
- Attend Lead Teacher/Core Curriculum PD
- Read the weekly articles (Check your mailbox each Monday)
- Complete “Mandatory Compliance Courses”
- “Fluency”/Core Concepts from SDE (Handout)
- “Effective Teaching” from “The Ten-Minute In-Service” (Handout)
- Book Study/ “Connecting With Students”-Introduction & Chapter 1 Study Questions/Ms. Green & Mr. Turknett
- Special Education Issues
- IAT Presentation/Ms. M. Van Stone, Evaluation Specialist North Area
- IAT/Ms. Green-Harris, Chairperson-Osborne ES
- It is imperative that paperwork is completed in a timely fashion
- Students are to receive the modifications documented in their IEP’s
- Focused timely interventions
- Student Performance on Required Assessments/Input form
- A Word or Two from Ms. Moore-Shelby, Instructional Coordinator
- Interventions
- I-station
- Running Record
- Fine Arts Updates
- Classroom teachers will provide “fine arts” instruction for their students/referenced in the weekly lesson plans
- Curriculum information provided on the HISD “HUB” and TEA website
- PLC Update (Revised Calendar)
- Questions/Concerns/Closure
August 24, 2016
- Welcome/ Purpose of Meeting
- Appreciation for a smooth school opening
- SDMC Information (Handout)
- General Reminders
- Reporting for duty as scheduled
- Teachers (PR-3)
- Staff (Professional Competency # 7)
- Sign in and out for the time you actually arrive and depart (PR-1)
- Regular attendance (PR-3)
- Completing documentation in a timely fashion (PR-1)
- Submit Absent From Duty Form to Ms. K. Johnson upon your return to duty (PR-1)
- Dropping off and picking up students on time from Ancillary and lunch (PR-1)
- Taking attendance @ the scheduled time 9:30 am daily (PR-1)
- Submitting Attendance Referrals
- Communicates With Parents (PR-7)
- Resource/ “Phoning Parents”
- Treats colleagues With Respect (PR-2) (Board policy handout)
- Facilitates Organized, Student-Centered Objective-Driven Lessons (I-1) (Board policy handout)
- Complies with Policies and Procedures at School (PR-1) Instructional Imperatives Checklists (handouts)
- Lesson Plans are due every Friday (PR-1 & PL-3) (Board policy handout)
- Associate Teacher Folders were due on Friday, August 19, 2016. Please submit them to Ms. Morales in the main office by Wednesday, August 24, 2016.
- Content Areas for Distribution Packets (SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES)/Due by Wednesday, August 31, 2016
- Attendance Matters/(9:30am daily) Please document absences and complete the appropriate paperwork in a timely fashion. (Handouts in packet) & will be e-mailed to you.
- Book Study “Connecting With Students” (Introduction)
- Questions/Concerns/Closure