Leadership and Support Staff Directory
Virtual Contacts
First Name | Last Name | Title | Content Area | |
Jesseye | Brown | jesseye.brown@houstonisd.org | Principal | |
Serlena | Martin-Preston | smarti17@houstonisd.org | Assistant Principal 6th Grade | ELA, IAT |
Twyla | Thomas-Joseph | tjoseph1@houstonisd.org | Assistant Principal 7th Grade | Math, Textbooks, CTC |
LaRue | Ellis | larue.ellis@houstonisd.org | Assistant Principal 8th Grade | Social Studies, SPED, Intervention |
George | Walker | gwalkeri@houstonisd.org | Dean of Students | Electives, DYAD, Culture |
Kathleen | Boyd | kathleen.boyd@houstonisd.org | Counselor | Counseling, SEL, 504 |
Hildredge | Krushall | hildredge.krushall@houstonisd.org | New Teacher Mentor | Math, Teacher Development, AOT |
Amanda | Benitez | abenitez@houstonisd.org | Office Manager | |
LaToya | Perry | latoya.perry@houstonisd.org | SPED Department Chair | SPED, Transportation |
Maria | Orquiz | morquiz@houstonisd.org | Assistant Office Manager |