• Uniform Dress Code


    Eliot Elementary School continues to implement a dress code that sets high standards for appropriate school attire and personal cleanliness. As a school community, we are concerned for the safety and well-being of our students and believe that a student’s appearance can influence behavior and affect the learning community. Therefore, Eliot Elementary School has adopted a required school uniform policy which we feel will foster a safeand quality learning environment for our students.


    Shirts:  (Monday through Thursday) Students must wear either an official Eliot Elementary School polo shirt with the Eliot Logo on it or a shirt with no logos or printing on it. . The shirts are to be royal blue.  Some official Eliot shirits are available to be purchased through the school office.  For information, please call 713-671-3670. 
    (Friday) Students may wear their spirit shirt, uniform shirt, or a shirt sporting a college logo.  For further information or to purchase a spirit shirt, please call 713-671-3670.

    Pants:  Must be khaki pants, worn at the waist with a belt (no jeans or baggy pants)

    Shorts/ Skirts / Jumpers: Must be khaki and must meet or extend beyond the tip of the middle finger when arm is at side

    Sweaters/ Jackets: Preferably navy blue or white (NO red jackets)

    Shoes:  Must be either sneakers or other closed shoes and worn with socks (no sandals, clogs, heelies, or other shoes open in any fashion)


    In addition, all shirts and blouses must be tucked in for both boys and girls.


    Students are permitted to wear neat, un-ripped blue jeans only on Fridays and on field trips, paired with an Eliot spirit t-shirt or uniform shirt.


    Grooming Habits


    Hair must be neat, clean, and well-groomed. Hair style and/or color must not create disruptions or distractions.  NO shaved hair designs are allowed.  Extreme hair styles, which include hair dyed an unnatural color (green, orange, streaked, Mohawks, etc.) will not be permitted.  Make-up or tattoos may not be worn or brought to school.


    Caps, hats, hoods, and other head coverings may not be worn inside the building.