Arabic Immersion Magnet School (AIMS)

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AIMS, an A-Rated Campus

  • Arrival
    7:00 AM - 7:30 AM
    (Students are considered tardy after 7:30 AM, please plan to arrive before that time.)
    School Hours
    7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
    3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
    Office Hours
    8:00 AM - 1:30PM
    3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Mahassen BallouliWELCOME TO AIMS
    Mahassen Ballouli, Principal 
    Phone: 713-556-8940

    Thank you for your interest in the Arabic Immersion Magnet School! AIMS leads the way in Arabic immersion education, providing opportunities for a diverse group of learners to learn Arabic. AIMS represents the diversity of Houston with students hailing from approximately 40 different zip codes, the majority of whom do not have an Arabic speaking background. As a school that continually strives to develop global citizens, AIMS celebrates multilingualism and multiculturalism that this diversity affords.
  •  Magnet Tour Thursdays

    Magnet Tour Thursdays

    We invite prospective families to join us for school tours every Thursday at 9:00 AM. During the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, explore our classrooms, and learn more about our school community. Click the link to schedule your tour today—we can’t wait to see you!

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  •  supplies

    Order your school supplies today!

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  •  Dress code

    AIMS Dress Code

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  • Lessons Learned from Arabic Immersion Programs in the U.S.

    According to a study done by the Pew Research Center in 2016, Arabic is now the seventh most commonly spoken non-English language in U.S. households. An estimated 1.1 million people age five and older speak Arabic at home, an increase of 29% between 2010 and 2014. Arabic is also the fastest growing language in the United States and is the fifth-most spoken language in the world, not only in the Middle East and North Africa, but all over the globe.

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