Mahassen Ballouli, Principal

  • I am humbled and honored to serve as the Arabic Immersion Magnet School’s principal. I began my journey at AIMS when the school’s initial blueprints were first being drafted. I first began at AIMS assuming the responsibilities of the magnet coordinator, promoting the school and recruiting the school’s inaugural class. I am proud to say that our accomplishments have earned our school world-wide acknowledgment, and we are excited to continue our journey forward. As the principal of AIMS, it is my duty and privilege to continue the wonderful initiatives that we have started and to work on achieving the goals that we have set for our students to become global graduates and global citizens. AIMS is truly a jewel in Houston, and it is my goal to preserve our dedication to excellence and continue to be a trailblazing campus!


    Mahassen Ballouli
    محاسن بلولي