All immunizations must be current before a child can enroll in school. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a website that provides an Instant Childhood Immunization Schedule. This site will allow parents to see exactly what vaccines and doses are needed and when they are needed.
Go to www.cdc.gov
Navigate to the vaccines and immunizations page -click on immunization scheduler under the Tools/Software tab.
Only students who have a valid Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience Affidavit will be allowed to enroll without a current shot record.
Students cannot take or bring any medication to school without the proper forms being completed and signed by the physician. Students who have food allergies and need special dietary accommodations will also need to complete a form.
Click on the medication or dietary link to download forms.
Always let the school nurse know of any health needs for your children.
Keep a current phone number on file and the name of a responsible person designated to pick up your child in the event of a medical emergency.
Keep a full change of clothes with your child everyday at school in his/her backpack just in case of a potty accident.