About Title 1 & TCAH
Purpose of the Title I, Part A Program:
The purpose of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children, particularly low achieving children in the highest-poverty schools, have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments.
Vist the External Funding Titles I, II & IV Department website for additional information.
Translation of SIP/Translation of various languages:
Title I schools must have the entire School Improvement Plan translated in the language(s) of parents of enrolled students. Translated School Improvement Plans must be placed in the campus’ Title I bin as well as made available in the front office. Although it is “best practice” to have the SIP’s available in all languages (as spoken by the parents represented at your campus), the External Funding Department highly suggests where there is at least 10% of any parent population who speak such language(s) that the document must be translated in those languages.
TCAH is a school-wide Title I school receiving federal funding to ensure that ALL students have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. This has been a great opportunity to provide a plethora of additional support for all of our students.
The reason why we are able to receive Title I funding is directly related to our families reporting their socioeconomic status, which often increases the likelihood of the school reporting 40% or more of our students as economically disadvantaged (this percentage qualifies TCAH as a school-wide Title I school).
What is the Houston ISD Socioeconomic Form?
The Houston ISD Socioeconomic Form is used to report the economic status information that is needed to determine funding for the Title I program. This form is required by all Houston ISD schools in order to collect the socioeconomic status of each student as a performance indicator for student achievement (TEC 39 for Texas state requirements and ESEA sections 1111 and 1116 for U.S. Department of Education requirements) and for use in disbursement of federal funds (ESEA section 1113).Where can I find the Socioeconomic Information Form, and how do I complete it?
You may submit the form one of two ways.
Log on to Connexus, in your Household DataViews, select the 2020-2021 Houston ISD Socioeconomic Income Form DataView and complete the requested information (this should be in your To-Do list on your Connexus HomePage if you have not already completed the form).
Complete the socioeconomic form (attached) and return via one of the following ways:
Fax: 800-887-6590, ATTN: Enrollment Department
Regular Mail: Enrollment Department, 10960 Grantchester Way, Columbia, MD 21044.
Connexus Upload: Log on to Connexus. From your Homepage, select “Dataviews”. From the list of Data Views, select “Multifile Student Document Upload” and select “Add Files.” Select the appropriate completed form file from your computer and click “Ok” to upload. See attached instructions for a walkthrough.
Other points to note about Title I funding and the Socioeconomic form:
- You will only need to complete one form per household.
- The information provided in the Houston ISD Socioeconomic form is reported to Houston ISD only for the purpose of determining funding support for the Title I program.
- There are 2 possible designations for Title I status: School-wide status (40% or more of students are classified as economically disadvantaged) or Targeted Assistance (35-39% of students are classified as economically disadvantaged)
- School-wide Title I status serves ALL students while Targeted Title I status serves only students identified as economically disadvantaged.
- All of the benefits of the Title I program can directly or indirectly impact your student’s success.
- Title I funding is based on reported socioeconomic status from the preceding school year.
What are the benefits of TCAH retaining its Title I status?
Title I funds support all students with:
Summer School (Credit recovery and promotion and remediation programs for STAAR and EOC)
Hire personnel (graduation coaches, social worker, counselors, special programs manager, interventionist teachers, parent engagement staff)
Provide tutoring services
Order equipment for state testing
Licenses for online, supplemental academic programs
Supplemental reading and math intervention
Support for At-Risk, Off-cohort and late enrolling students
Provide additional professional development for teachers
Qualifying families meeting income requirements have the following benefits:
Waived application fees for over 2000 participating colleges applications*
Waived SAT and PSAT fees*
Let's us know if you have questions or feedback:
If you have any question about the socioeconomic form, please contact via webmail: Emmalea Bozone. -