Registration 2024-2025
Enrollment information for 2024-2025 School Year
Step 1 : Verify that your home address is within the Wesley Elementary School Zone by following this link:
Step 2: Once you have verified that Wesley Elementary School is your zoned school, please fill out the enrollment package or register with HISD online:
Refer to the attached "How to" document for detailed instructions on the online registration process.
The package consists of the following items:
- Enrollment information sheet
- Home Language Survey
- Years in School
- Form of ethnicity
- Background Check Information
- Family survey
- Student media consent
- Student Code of Conduct
- Military connected family survey
- Privacy code
- Socioeconomic information form
- Student attendance questionnaire
- Additional contacts
- Health inventory- (Notify staff at the time of enrollment if student has a health condition. You will need to speak with school nurse.)
- Food allergy information
- Immunization requirements
- Declaration of residence
In addition to these forms, you will need the following items:
- Birth certificate
- Social Security Card (Optional)
- Complete immunization records with the student's name, date of birth should appear on the records)
- Proof of address: (Home: Electricity, Gas or Water Invoice) (Apartment: Lease)
- Report Card (All students who enroll in Kinder-5 grades must provide the latest report card.
- Parent or legal guardian driver's license
Step 3: Email the additional documents (birth certificate, vaccinations, qualifications, proof of residence and social security card) to