Mickey Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men

Achieving Success through Leadership

  • Dress Code

    • HISD allows each individual campus to establish its own dress code or uniform policy. The goal of a dress code is to ensure that students stay focused on learning and to create a positive and safe environment. We appreciate parent and student support in upholding our dress code. Violations of the dress code policy may result in disciplinary action. Please note that our school administration has the final authority for decisions regarding the dress code. Please click here to see our uniform requirements.
    For the Mickey Leland uniform policy click here.

    MLCPA Dress Code Information 



    The daily uniform is as follows:


    2018-2019 Dress Code


    Middle School

    High School


    Blazer Day  (Mandatory), sweater vest (optional), solid white button down shirt, white t-shirt, tie, khaki pants (no denim or joggers), belt, casual leather/dress shoes (no fabric shoes), and dark socks – NO Hoodies/NO Jackets of any kind!

    Blazer Day  (Mandatory), sweater vest (optional), solid white button down shirt, white t-shirt, tie, khaki pants (no denim or joggers), belt, casual leather/dress shoes (no fabric shoes), and dark socks – NO Hoodies/NO Jackets of any kind!


    Cardigan/Pull-over Sweater, solid white button down shirt, tie, khaki pants (no denim or joggers),  belt, casual leather/dress shoes (no fabric shoes), and dark socks.


    Cardigan/Pull-over Sweater, light blue button down shirt, tie, khaki pants (no denim or joggers),  belt, casual leather/dress shoes (no fabric shoes), and dark socks.



    School Logo/Spirit t-shirt, or Polo shirt with school logo, jeans or khaki pants/denim, casual shoes/tennis shoes, and belt. Students may wear outer gear with school logo (cardigan/jacket) NO outside Hoodie/Denim jackets, etc. Shorts are NOT allowed!

    School Logo/Spirit t-shirt, or Polo shirt with school logo, jeans or khaki pants/denim, casual shoes/tennis shoes, and belt. Students may wear outer gear with school logo (cardigan/jacket) NO outside Hoodie/Denim jackets, etc. Shorts are NOT allowed!


    Please note: Students who arrive at school out of uniform may not be allowed to attend class until they change into the appropriate uniform. Parental contact will be made initially to inform you of your son’s uniform infraction. Students who are excessively out of uniform will receive further disciplinary actions.


    We are encouraging ALL parents to ensure that their scholar is wearing the proper uniform on a daily basis and that you will not permit your young man to attend school out of uniform.

    If you have any questions regarding the uniform, please contact Mrs. L. Walker at 713-226-2668. 


    Consequences for Uniform Code Violations

    Please refer to the 2018-2019 Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Policies.