Benchmark 1: Target Population
• Written admission policy and enrollment application
• Written recruitment plan including a timeline of recruitment and enrollment events, and recruitment materials for distribution at feeder schools and other appropriate locations in the community
• Brochures and marketing in Spanish, English, and/or other relevant language(s)
• Written communication plan for targeting identified audiences, parents, community members, school board, higher education personnel, etc.
Benchmark 2: Partnership Agreement
• Final, signed, and executed MOU
Benchmark 3: P-16 Leadership Initiatives
• ECHS/IHE leadership meeting agendas and minutes
• School board and board of regents’ presentations
• Description of each member and role in committee
Benchmark 4: Curriculum and Support
• 60 college credit hours crosswalk
• Calendar of family outreach events
• Professional learning community agendas and notes
• Advisory/study skills curriculum material
• Master schedules
Benchmark 5: Academic Rigor and Readiness
• Calendar of TSI test administration dates
• Aggregate reports of TSI exam performance
• Tutoring and bridge program schedules
• Bridge program curricula
• Mentor/induction program plans
• Annual training or professional development plan with ECHS and IHE faculty
• ECHS leader/liaison meeting agendas and notes
Early College Contacts
Mrs. Tamika Sullivan: tamika.sullivan@houstonisd.org, Early College Dean
Mr. Kevin Mathis: kevin.mathis@houstonisd.org, Early College Specialist
Ms. Claudia Blair: cblair@houstonisd.org, Counselor
Ms. Tiffany Fontnet: tfontnet@houstonisd.org, Counselor
Ms. DeAndrea LaVergne: deandrea.lavergne@houstonisd.org, Counselor