• Elrod is a School-Wide Program. Non-zoned students who want to attend Elrod Elementary must apply and submit a magnet application.

    If you need help to know if you are zoned to us, click School Finder.


    • Separate and Unique Schools – These schools do not have any students zoned to the campus. This means all students must apply to attend.
    • School-wide Programs – All non-zoned students must apply to these schools. Zoned students do not need to apply given the full school participates in the programming.
    • School Within a School – Some campuses have specialty programming within the campus. Zoned and non-zoned students must apply to access this specialty programming. Zoned students do not need to apply to their zoned school to access the general education program.  



      Any student that wants to enter a school that is not their zoned school for the first time. Additionally, students must apply to their zoned school if it has a “school within a school” magnet program they want to access. Any students interested in participating in the new Cullen Military Academy, must apply.