Mission Statement
Ross Shaw Sterling Aviation Early College High School empowers every student with the skills and knowledge needed for career and college readiness along with the courage to believe in a future of success.
Sterling Aviation Early College High School scholars are provided the opportunity to engage in work-based learning activities, i.e., mentorships, internships, and job shadowing with local area businesses and community leaders as part of their coursework. Sterling Aviation Early College High School offers CTE programs in four of the five endorsement areas: Business & Industry, Automotive Technology, Law Enforcement, & Welding.
Hugo Duran Hugo.duran@houstonisd.orgJuan Sepulveda Meza jsepulv2@houstonisd.orgHarold Perry Hperry@houstonisd.orgJose Perez Jose.Perez2@houstonisd.orgBUSINESS
Shirley Wilturner Swilturn@houstonisd.orgMonica Arroyo Marroyo1@houstonisd.orgLAW ENFORCEMENT
Patrice Tiller Ptiller1@houstonisd.orgJerry Pollard Jerry.Pollard@houstonisd.orgWELDING TECHNOLOGY
Denise Scott Denise.Scott@houstonisd.orgCTE SUPPORT
John Chilo John.chilo@houstonisd.org
Ross Shaw Sterling Aviation High School11625 Martindale Rd.Houston, TX 77048Telephone: 713-991-0510Fax: 713-991-8111