• Open Registration

    June 9th - 30th 2014  8:30am-10:00am

    Registration Checklist


    Students must be 4 years old by September 1st, 2014. Zoned students 5 years of age on or before September 1st, 2014 will be enrolled in kindergarten.


    Zoned students must be at least 5 years old by September 1st, 2014.






    Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis with all completed registration information. HISD does not allow schools to hold spaces for students. Your registration forms are not processed and your child will not be enrolled until the application, forms and documents are complete.

    ___ Current Proof of Address – two of the following showing address in James DeAnda attendance zone:

    ·         ___Electric bill in the name of the parent/guardian with whom the student resides

    ·         ___Gas Bill in the name of the parent/guardian with whom the student resides

    ·         ___Water Bill in the name of the parent/guardian with whom the student resides

    ·         ___Fully Executed Lease Agreement in the name of the parent/guardian with whom the student resides


    If bills are not in parent's name, an Affidavit of Residence is required. There are penalties involved if information is falsified on the Affidavit of Residence (Texas School Law Bulletin, Section 21.031g and the Texas Penal Code sec 37.10).


    ___ Current driver's license of the parent                     ___ Birth Certificate                   ___ Proof of Income (Pk only)

    ___ Immunization records                         ___ Social Security card (if applicable)

    ___ In cases of divorced parents, the legal court decree showing custody of the child is required – (the only pages to be copied are those showing the custody arrangements and the page, which has a seal, date and judge's signature)

    ___ New Students enrolling in 1st - 5th grades need last report card, standardized test scores and/or withdrawal form from previous school and address of previous school so that complete records can be requested.



    Name of student:

    Office use only: Complete Application:                                                          Date: