Infectious and Communicable Diseases

  • Infectious and communicable diseases account for millions of school days lost each year, most often as a result of colds and flu. Because students are in group settings in which people are in close contact and share supplies and equipment most of their day, transmission of infections from person to person can occur. During flu season it is especially important to use good hygiene practices to reduce the spread of germs. Please help to keep your child and our schools healthy by:

    • observing your child each day for signs of infection which may include coughing, colds, fever, itching on the skin and scalp and unusual rashes.
    • keeping sick students at home and seeking medical attention for severe illness.
    • encouraging your child to practice good hand hygiene.
    • adopting healthy practices, such as disposing of used tissues and coughing into a sleeve rather than into a hand.
    • keeping children home until free of fever for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) reduces the risk of spread.

    Please click on the links below for more resources.