• Enrollment Process- My child is zoned to Sugar Grove Academy Middle School:
    Sugar Grove Academy Attendance Zone Map: Click here (pdf).
    To register and enroll your child in the school that he or she is zoned to attend, bring the following to school:
    • The child’s orginal birth certificate
    • Current Immunization Record
    • Student's Social Security Card
    • Last Report Card
    • Proof of Address (Property Tax, Lease Contract, Utility Bill (Electric, Water, or Gas only)
    • Parent/Guardian Picture Identification

    Your child may be eligible to enroll provisionally if the required immunization process has begun. Texas law requires that a child must be enrolled by the child’s parent or guardian or another person with legal control of the child under a court order. It also requires the district to record the name, address, and date of birth of the person enrolling the student.

    For more information, call Health Services at 713-556-7280.

    Where and When to Enroll

    Each school in HISD handles its own registration and enrollment. Most HISD schools open for enrollment no later than the second week of August. To find out the enrollment schedule for Sugar Grove, call us 713-271-0214.

    Documents Required for Enrollment
    Student Transfer Forms: 713-556-6783

    Every school district requires identification of each student as a condition of enrollment, which must be under a student’s legal name as shown on that student’s birth certificate or other legal document. The parent or legal guardian must furnish documentation of the student’s identity, age, and residence and a copy of the student’s records within 30 days of enrollment (or 90 days if the student was born outside the U.S.). If the student does not have a Social Security number, HISD will assign a Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) number. No student may be denied enrollment solely because of failure to meet the documentation requirements. Enrollment is provisional, however, pending receipt of the required documentation and verification of eligibility.

    A parent or legal guardian who resides with relatives or friends within HISD and who wishes to send a child to an HISD school must submit a statement of residence. The parent or guardian must complete the statement at the zoned school and must supply the following:

    • Photo identification
    • A letter from the official resident of the address at which the applicant is living, stating how long the applicant has lived at that address
    • The name of the school the student attended most recently
    • A copy of the official resident’s most recent bill for electricity, gas, or water; and
    • If the residence is an apartment, a valid lease giving the name of the official resident. (For assistance, call the Student Transfer Department at 713-556-6734.)

    If your child is entering HISD from another school district, you will also need a record of current immunizations and his or her most recent report card. The school will also request an academic transcript from your child’s previous school.