Wainwright Elementary is named for Jonathan Mayhew "Skinny" Wainwright (1883–1953), who served in both World Wars. After his release from a Japanese prison camp in 1945, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and promoted to general. Wainwright Elementary school was built in 1962.
Wainwright has a Science and Math magnet program in grades K- 5. Every magnet student receives additional Math, Science, and technology instruction. A Neighborhood GT Program is offered to first through fifth grade students who qualify for the program. Resource, Life Skills, Co-teach, Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD), and Behavior Services Class (BSC), services are available for Special Education students. Bilingual classes are provided for each grade level from Pre-K through fifth grade. Grades 3-5 (including Bilingual) are departmentalized. Beginning in 1995-96, Wainwright became a school-wide Title I school. Title I funds and staff supplement classroom instruction and provide tutorials.