Elementary School Grading & Report Cards


    Elementary grades at Briarmeadow Charter School uses two different types of report cards.  PK - K uses the developmental district report card.  For 1st - 5th, strudents are wholistically graded on a scale of 1 - 4.  Twice a year, all students in K - 8 receive a narrative report card when communicating student progress to parents. Designed originally from research-based assessment studies, our Report to Parents for students will specificially focus on the International Baccalaureate Approaches to Learning (ATL).


    Why is a narrative report card important:

    The ATL include social skills, research skills, thinking skiils, communication skills, and self-management skills. They are important for the development of a child for this life-long success.  Focusing on these allow families to receive information that can supplement a traditional report card. 

    What does my child's report card mean?

    • All students in 1st – 5th will receive a 1 – 4 rating for math, language arts (reading & writing), science, and social studies.  A child is considered to be meeting the state and district expectations if they are at a 3 or 4.
    • PK report cards use a different scale: for the areas of social/emotional, reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, students will receive an AE, BE, or OE.    
      • AE (At Expectations): performing at grade level.
      • BE (Beyond Expectations): performing at least one year above grade level
      • OE (Other than Expected): not yet performing at grade level
      • The rankings indicate student performance in relation to grade level expectations, which increase as the year progresses.
    • Kindergarten's developmental report card has each standard being scored as a 1 - 3. 1 is developing while 3 is able to apply.
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