Title I, Part A is a formula grant program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families . Formula grant programs are noncompetitive awards based on a predetermined formula . Title I is the largest program supporting elementary and secondary education in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) .
The Title I, Part A program is intended to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards, regardless of economic status . Title I is the government’s attempt to provide all children with the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable and high-quality education, and to close the achievement gap .
At Bellfort Early Childhood Center we spend our Title I dollars on:
1 Professional Development
2 Resources and Supplies
3 Extended School Year Academic Intervention
2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement Policy-Spanish
Parent and Family Engagement Policy- Language Other Than English.pdf 116.34 KB (Last Modified on September 12, 2024) -
2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement Policy-English
Parent and Family Engagement Policy- English.doc.pdf 106.56 KB (Last Modified on September 12, 2024)