• Soccer Team st

    The Lyons Soccer Team is sponsored by Coach Sanchez. Tryouts are held in October. Practices are every Wednesday from 3:15 - 4:15. Games are usually against other nearby schools such as Burbank, Herrera, Durkee, Barrick, and De Chaumes Elementary. If a school hosts a tournament, we will participate and the players have a lot of fun.  

    Coach Sanchez stresses that his first responsibility is to make sure he inspires his players to be respectful and responsible young adults, and then he's a soccer coach. The Lyons family enforces the 'No Pass, No Play' policy, and Mr. Sanchez does have conversations with teachers and parents to make sure all is well with his players. 

    The 2023-2024 team went undefeated and won the local championship!

    You can watch your Lyons Soccer Team play in the spring on the field in the back of the school.

    Victor Sanchez
