Fifth Grade
Conference Time: 9:25 AM - 10:20 AM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Garcia, Raul
email: raul.garcia@houstonisd.org
Sanchez, RolandoBriceño, Tania
email: tania.briceño@houstonisd.org
The heART of Houston
Garcia, Raulemail: raul.garcia@houstonisd.org |
Sanchez, Rolando
Briceño, Taniaemail: tania.briceño@houstonisd.org |
7500 Office City Dr Houston, TX 77012 713-845-7492 fax: 713-847-4716Accessibility
Crespo Elementary
7500 Office City Dr Houston, TX 77012
fax: 713-847-4716