Blackshear Elementary

A Montessori Magnet School

  • Promotion Standards

    • In order for HISD students to be promoted to the next grade level, they must show that they have met HISD’s Promotion Standards. These standards include classroom grades, local or state tests, and attendance as follows:

      • State requirement of overall yearly grade average of 70 or above and local requirement of a grade average of 70 or above in language arts, mathematics, and science and/or social studies.
      • Sufficient attendance – a student's total number of absences cannot exceed 10 percent of class meetings.

      If you have questions, please contact Wanda Thomas, Senior Manager, Federal and State Compliance, at 713-556-6753 or

    Grade Level Promotion Standards
    1 & 2 Students must:
    • meet the state requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and the local requirement of an average of 70 or above in four core courses: language arts, mathematics, science and social studies
    • have sufficient attendance
    3, 4, & 5 Students must:
    • meet the state requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and the local requirement of an average of 70 or above in four core courses: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies
    • have sufficient attendance
    6, 7, & 8 Students must:
    • meet the state requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and the local requirement of an average of 70 or above in three of the four core courses: Language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies
    • have sufficient attendance
    • For high school graduation requirements, please visit 

      Emergent bilingual students requiring an Accelerated Learning Committee must have a Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) representative on the committee.

      For students served through special education services, the campus Annual Review and Dismissal/Individual Education Program (ARD/IEP) committee will serve as the Accelerated Learning Committee.

      If a student does not meet the promotion standards outlined above, the school shall contact the parent/guardian regarding opportunities for the student to receive additional instruction.