Burbank Elementary

A School of College-Bound Scholars

  • Shared Decision-Making Committee (SDMC)

    • Program Description

      The Houston Independent School District (HISD) Board of Education established and approved the campus-level planning and decision-making process in 1992. This process includes the creation and maintenance of a Shared Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) at each school to review the district's educational goals, objectives, and major district wide classroom instructional programs. Each committee is designed to involve professional and non-professional staff, parents, community members, and business representatives in establishing academic and other performance objectives of the school for each academic excellence indicator adopted in the Texas Education Code (TEC §11.253, TEC §39.051). The SDMC was authorized to fulfill the following responsibilities:

      1. Implement all pertinent campus-level planning processes;
      2. Develop recommendations for the school budget;
      3. Submit recommendations for the school curriculum;
      4. Recommend changes in the school's staffing patterns;
      5. Develop and approve the campus staff development plans;
      6. Develop, review, and revise the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations (after principal approval of the SIP, the SDMC presents the plan to staff for approval);
      7. Review and make recommendations regarding the school's organizational structure, and
      8. Establish procedures to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input.

      The SDMC is required to meet at least once a year to discuss the performance of the school and the school's objectives. A record of all decisions and significant discussion items must be maintained by the committee. This information should be disseminated to appropriate school and district personnel as well as be available upon request for public review.

    SDMC Reports


     MEETING DATES YEAR 2023-2024

    Date Location Time Notes
    Oct. 2, 2024 Conference Room 3:30 PM  
    Nov. 29th, 2024 Conference Room 3:30 PM  
    Feb. 7th, 2025 Conference Room 3:30 PM  
    May 2nd, 2025 Conference Room 3:30 PM End of School Year



    Burbank Elementary School SDMC Meetings, Agendas and Minutes - 2023-2024

    SDMC Meeting 01-10-25



    SDMC Meeting 11-01-24


    SDMC Meeting 10-02-24


    SDMC Meeting 05-03-24


    SDMC Meeting 03-07-24



    SDMC Meeting 12-08-23



    SDMC Meeting 09-22-23


    SDMC Meeting 05-25-23




    SDMC Meeting 03-23-23



    SDMC Meeting 12-02-22



    SDMC Meeting 09-30-22


    SDMC Meeting 05-23-22


    SDMC Meeting 11-29-21



    First Name Last Name Email Title
    Ernesto Solorzano Esolorza@houstonisd.org Chairperson
    Melissa Perez Melissa_perez@live.com Parent
    San Juana Mosqueda vero.mosqueda@icloud.com Parent
    Manuel Gonzales Manuel@yahoo.com Community Member
    Emiliano Lorenzo infopartyhouston@gmail.com Business Representative
    Silvana Rodriguez srodri11@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Special Education
    Amanda Loredo Amanda.loredo@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Teachers
    Jennifer  Hudson jhudson6@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Literacy Specialist
    Aracely Ramirez Aracely.Ramirez@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Teachers
    Ashley Korcynski AKORCZYN@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Teachers
    Navyd Diaz Ndiaz5@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Teachers
    Hector Tovar Htovar@houstonisd.org Professional Staff-Teachers
    Tiniece Nowlin Tiniece.Nowlin@houstonisd.org Dean of Instruction
    Consuelo Morales Consuelo.Morales@houstonisd.org Professional Staff- Other
    Sudy RochaRamos Sudi.RochaRamos@houstonisd.org Non-Instructional Employee