• Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Magnet


    Welcome! W.I. Stevenson Middle School's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Magnet Program serves students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade with an enhanced curriculum and environment that empowers and prepares all students for the challenges of the 21st century. In this technological age, a strong STEM education is vital to the success of our country, our region, and the success of our children. In our STEM Magnet Program, an advanced math and science curriculum is coupled with technology and engineering elective courses to help our students unleash their potential as innovators and critical thinkers. 


    W.I. Stevenson Middle School is a place where students explore who they are while pursuing their own STEM interests. Every part of the Stevenson community works in partnership as we prepare our children for the experiences and challenges that lie ahead.

    We can’t wait to welcome you to our family.


            1        Choosing her Magnet School!      3                                               1                       1