• Nurse Moon's Q&A 

    Q: My child has a cold, can I bring medication to be administered at school?


    A: All medications, including over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and Advil, MUST have a doctor’s order and be in a prescription medication bottle distributed by a pharmacist that includes the students name, the date, the medication name, dosage, and times to be given printed on the label. Cold, cough, flu medications and short-term anti-biotic should be given at home, by the parents.


    Q: My child takes a daily prescription medication at 10:00 AM. What do I need to do so that he can get his medication at school?


    A: The nurse needs a doctor's order signed by both the doctor and parent to give medications at school. Parents are free to pick up the necessary form from the clinic during normal school hours or download it from the HISD Health and Medical website. Once proper orders and medication are obtained, the nurse will distribute medication as ordered by the physician. If no orders are in place in the clinic, it’s the parents responsibility to come to the school and administer daily medications.


    Q: My child has asthma, can she carry her inhaler in her backpack.


    A: Like all medications, proper medical orders must be in place and the medication stored in the clinic. The nurse will work with the parent, student and physician to have a good Asthma Action Plan in place. Please see the nurse as soon as possible to get the necessary paperwork for the physician and parent to fill out so that we have the needed medication in the clinic for the health of the student.


    Q: What is your school’s policy on lice?


    A: It is district policy that the students identified as having live lice will be sent home to be treated for the infestation. Students are to return to school the following day. Please bring student to clinic to be rechecked prior to class starting.  A notice will go home to all the parents in the classroom when a student identified by the school nurse as having a live infestation. We do not release name or names of students diagnosed with lice and extreme care will be taken to protect the privacy of students and families. Please monitor your children regularly at home. Literature is available in the clinic to any parent with questions or concerns about head lice.


    Q: My student had a seizure last summer and is being monitored by a doctor. Do I need to tell the school about this?


    A: Please notify the nurse of any new and or existing health issues your child may have so that we can best accommodate the child while he or she is in school. The nurse will work hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child to help facilitate the optimum learning environment.


    Q: How can I get a hold of the school nurse?


    A: Call the school at 713-845-7472 and ask for Nurse Moon and you will be transferred to her office. If she is unavailable, leave a voicemail and she will call you back as soon as she can.


    Q: My child is lactose intolerant. Does the school have alternatives to milk products?

    A: Please pick up a special diet form from the clinic for the peditrician to fill out. It takes approxamtely 2 weeks after the form is returned to the campus for the alternate menu accomidations to become available to your child. In the meantime, please send your student to school with his or her own lunch/drinks.


    A: What is your policy on peanuts?


    Q: The school does not serve peanuts or related products, however, many parents send lunches with their children than may include peanut butter or other products made with nuts. If your child has a peanut allergy, please notify the nurse immediately so that steps can be taken to minimize exposure.