• The Leader In Me

    What’s it all about?


    Q: What is TLIM?

    A: Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleThe Leader in Meequips students with the self-confidence and skills they need to thrive in the 21st-century economy.  The 7 Habits are: 

    1. Be Proactive
    2. Begin with the End in Mind
    3. Put First Things First
    4. Think Win-Win
    5. Seek First to Understand and Then Be Understood
    6. Synergize
    7. Sharpen The Saw


    Q: Why did Condit decide to adopt TLIM?

    A: Condit has always excelled academically, but the staff saw a need to prepare our kids for “what’s next”.  We wanted to help instill good habit in our students and build a foundation that would serve them well when they moved on to middle school and beyond.   Our staff did a book study with The Leader in Me at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year.  From there, it took off!


    Q: How are we paying for the program?

    A: Our PTO, funded entirely by families, alumni and local businesses, has contributed the majority of the funds to pay for TLIM program implementation including consulting, teacher and staff training and educational materials for the teachers and students.  The PTO Board has been involved in discussions about expense and implementation as well.


    Q: What’s the plan for implementation?

    A: The Leader in Me has a standard 3-year arc that most schools follow, but each school is their own unique set of circumstances.  Last year we participated in the visioning session with Franklin Covey and spent the year experimenting with ideas and the language of leadership.  The 2014-2015 school year has been our launch year and you can tell as you walk down the hallways of our building.  Our ultimate goal is to become a Lighthouse school, which will serve as an exemplar for other Leader in Me schools across the nation.


    Q: What results are teachers and staff seeing?

    A: Kindergarten teachers mentioned last year that kids were light years ahead of where they were in the past in terms of personal responsibility, that trend continues this year.  It provides our students a system for them to excel in academics and in life.  Teachers are hearing students use the language on their own and practice the habits in and out of school.  Take a look at the PTO monthly newsletter, Cat Chat and you will see more examples of the positive results that teachers are seeing.  Click on the link at http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs165/1105866022867/archive/1118645411290.html or visit conditpto.org and click on the green button “past news releases”.


    Q: How can parents get involved?

    A: The best place to begin is to talk to your student about the 7 Habits and how they are using it in their life.  Read The Leader in Me, it will provide a vision for what we want our school to become.  The Condit library has copies of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids that can be checked out and read as a family.  A next level reading would be The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Read the Cat Chat closely and discuss as a family the monthly article on The Leader in Me.


    Q: How is TLIM being implemented at Condit?

    Condit has established a Lighthouse team that meets on a weekly basis to discuss, formulate and incorporate the Leader In Me goals. ​

    May 1st, 2015 we will hold the first Leadership event from 8 to 9:30am at Condit.  This event will be student driven and parents will have the opportunity to attend scheduled classrooms and see how Leader in Me is incorporated.

    Various leadership positions available for the students are:

    • Tardies Leader (4th)
    • Student Lighhouse Committee (4th, 5th)
    • Attendance Takers (4th )
    • Morning Greeters (K-5th),
    • Lost and Found Leaders (2nd-3rd),
    • Tardy Greeters (4th),
    • Ambassadors (4th & 5th)
    • Safety Patrol (4th & 5th)


    Q: What does it mean to be a “Lighthouse School”?

    As part of The Leader In Me Program, a school must achieve the following requirements to become a “Lighthouse School​ :​

    1. A Lighthouse Team meets regularly, and oversees school wide implementation of the leadership model with students, staff, parents, and community members.
    2.  The school environment reinforces the model of emphasizing individual worth and leadership principles by incorporating leadership language in displays on bulletin boards, in hallways and in the classrooms.
    3.  Teachers integrate leadership language into school curriculum and instruction daily.
    4.  The staff collaborates and works to build a culture of leadership in classrooms and throughout the school.
    5.  The students are provided with meaningful student-leadership roles and responsibilities.
    6.  The parents are educated on The Leader in Me model and the 7 Habits, and are involved in activities that support the leadership model.
    7.  School wide tracking system, classroom, academic, and personal goals are established.
    8.  The school measures its success of The Leader In Me program by collecting baseline data and tracking changes.
    9.  The School hosts a mini or full Leadership Day or a similar event that includes parents, business partners, and educators.


    Click link below to see our first Leadership Event



    For more information, visit www.theleaderinme.org.  Please email conditptopres@gmail.com for any questions or comments.