What is Title 1?
Title 1 is a federally funded program within Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that provides additional funds to schools with high numbers of children from low-income families. As a result of the conditions that often impact families who are poor (e.g., high mobility, unsafe communities, poor health), these children often fall behind in school and require additional resources to catch up and stay on track. Title 1 funds are used primarily to support teaching and can be spent for professional development, additional teachers to reduce class size, specialists in reading and math, paraprofessionals, and school reform programs.
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Compact Documentation 2023-2024
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Compact Documentation - Glenda Torres.pdf 250.76 KB (Last Modified on November 29, 2023)
Parent/Family Engagement Survey
Please complete our Parent/Family Engagement Survey. The purpose of this annual survey is to see how well our school partners with our community and encourages family engagement.
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